Free weights include any weight you can pick up and move around, such as dumbbells, barbells, and kettlebells.
Start with your bodyweight
That's right, your own weight totally counts in weight training. Put simply, “strength training means using resistance to create work for your muscles,”that can mean using external weight—like dumbbells and barbells—but weight lifting for beginners typically starts out simply with your own bodyweight.
Set a goal
Are you looking to build strength, gain size, or increase your endurance? Decide what your goal is and create your regimen accordingly.
To build strength and size, stick with high weight, low reps, and more rest between sets.
For endurance, go for lighter weights, higher reps, and less rest between sets.
Set a schedule
Whatever your goal, aim to work out 4 or 5 days per week.
Avoid training the same muscle groups hard 2 days in a row; recovery is super important to progress.
Proper form is a must
If you don’t perform exercises with proper form, you could miss out on benefits of the movement, or, in more serious cases, cause injury.
Practice the movement with your body weight before you add additional weight.
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